Tempus Public Foundation / Hungarian National CEEPUS Office offers CEEPUS Freemover mobility scholarships for incoming university students and teachers from CEEPUS member countries in the spring semester (12 February 2024 – 10 May 2024) of the Academic Year 2023/2024.

Applications are accepted only from the CEEPUS member countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Applicants with Hungarian citizenship or Hungarian place of residence cannot be considered.

Before concluding the scholarship agreement and starting the mobility, it is the scholarship holder's responsibility to learn about Hungary's all-time effective entry and pandemic regulations, the guidelines of the sending and the receiving institution, as well as to check the readiness of the receiving institution.

The application needs to be uploaded at www.ceepus.info

!The deadline of the application is: 30 NOVEMBER 2023!


For detailed information, please visit this website!


Freemover student mobility to Hungary

All the information here applies to Freemover applicants as well. However, there are a few additional information that you need to know before you start.

For the winter semester, Hungary offers a limited number of Freemover places. Information is available on the website of Tempus Public Foundation early summer.

For the summer semester, usually more places are available.

Freemovers need to find and contact the Hungarian host university themselves and obtain the Letter of Acceptance from the host university.

Any of the accredited Hungarian higher education institutions can be chosen as host institution. However, we strongly recommend to choose a host institution that already has CEEPUS activity, in order to minimise administrative obstacles.

List of Hungarian institutions with CEEPUS activity: please click here (choose Academic year and click on the Hungarian flag)

Besides filling in the online application form, you also have to attach:

  • Freemover Letter of Acceptance – a document issued by the Hungarian host institution about their willingness to recieve you as an exchange student
  • 2 Letters of Recommendation – issued by lecturers of the home university

You can download the blankets from www.ceepus.info (bottom of the page). All documents have to be signed and stamped. Other forms are not acceptable.

Freemover tecaher mobility to Hungary

All the information here applies to Freemover applicants as well. However, there are a few additional information that you need to know before you start.

For the winter semester, Hungary offers a limited number of Freemover places. Information is available on the website of Tempus Public Foundation early summer.

For the summer semester, usually more places are available.

Freemovers need to find and contact the Hungarian host university themselves and obtain the Freemover Teachers' Letter from the host university.

Any of the accredited Hungarian higher education institutions can be chosen as host institution. However, we strongly recommend to choose a host institution that already has CEEPUS activity, in order to minimise administrative obstacles.

List of Hungarian institutions with CEEPUS activity: please click here (choose Academic year and click on the Hungarian flag)

Besides filling in the online application form, you also have to attach:

  • Freemover Teachers' Letter – a document issued by the host institution about their willingness to recieve you as a guest teacher

You can download the blanket from www.ceepus.info (bottom of the page). It has to be signed and stamped. Other forms are not acceptable.